Category Archives: Week Twelve

COMM11007; Week Twelve: Practical

This was not specified to be written about.

The task was carried out successfully.

COMM11007; Week Twelve: Inquiry

I can not stress the point that this course has completely changed the way I look at media enough.

Don’t get me wrong, I still hate the media presented to us daily. I just now have a better understanding of all its intricacies and restored faith in my own writing abilities.

If one of my fellow students has taken nothing from this course I can only assume that they failed or were already writing at a high standard of journalism. Both seem rather unlikely.

I think punctuation would have probably been my weakest point coming into this course. I have a tendency to abuse ellipses in everyday text talk as I feel they allow me to emphasize a point and are aesthetically pleasing. Just me I guess?

Again, big thanks to Course Coordinator, Dr. Kate Ames! I look forward to further courses under her tutelage.

COMM11007; Week Twelve: Technical

My beloved quizzes have come to a conclusion. (Insert generic sad face emoticon here.)

Week one left me feeling like this would be a walk in the park after reading how others had not achieved 100%. I was of the mind my fellow students couldn’t spell their own name without having their hand held and uni would be a breeze.

For the first few weeks my scores were nothing to be proud of. As the course and my understanding progressed though as did my results.

Some of the questions mentioned in my quiz reflections though; slightly dubious, let’s be fair.

Truthfully, I dreaded each and every one of these things. Following on from the relative ease of week one, time and time again they would defeat me. No standouts, no highlights.

Sincerely though, I wouldn’t be near the level of writing standard I am at today if it were not for them. Credit to Kate for creating them and a massive thank you for giving me the push I needed to stick with tertiary study.