Category Archives: Week Eight


Week 8:

1. Oral Presentation: Consider your final assignment. For this activity, you are to develop a presentation and associated script for your speech or release/story. This will help you map out one of your final assessment pieces, a bit like writing the structure of an essay before you write the essay. For example, you could envisage presenting your speech and use the slides to help organize the structure. Alternatively, you could map out your media release or news story scripts (which is a good idea because it will help you work out what vision you might use for each bit of narration). On your slides, you may have a visual, or a description of what you might use to support your script.


2. We suggest you use PowerPoint (you could even try one of the styles we covered in the Study Guide lesson), but you may also use word/PDF or any other type of presentation software with which you are familiar. You should pay some attention to presentation of your slides (eg. type format and layout).

3. You will submit the file (including script) on your blog, or if PowerPoint, you can upload it to Slideshare ( and include the link with your blog.

4. Reflect on this activity. Was it useful to your learning this week? If so, how? Record your responses in writing on your blog.

Task one

Task four

In all honesty, I found this task tedious, almost like a show and tell for the final assessment item without learning any content. Attempting to be optimistic, I did however learn a new slide sharing website that I was previously unfamiliar with. In using Slideshare I can now display a lot of information in a small refined package, which I have no doubt I will use in future projects.

COMM11003; Week Eight: Reflection

“The same communication act can have different meanings in different cultures. Reflect on your understanding of intercultural communication and then think of an example of misunderstanding or potential misunderstanding. For example, different meanings of words or gestures in different countries or cultural contexts – for example, gestures such as the OK and thumbs up signs that may be acceptable in one country may be offensive in another. This could be based on personal experience of something you have read or researched” (Costigan 2014).

Featured image

Pictured above is Australia’s own NBA talent Patty Mills, displaying what has now become known to hoopheads globally as the “three goggles”. This seemingly innocent gesture created by Mills and fellow Portland Trailblazers team mate Rudy Fernandez during the 2010-11 season, has caught on like wildfire in the years since it’s league inception.

‘There is considerable cultural variation in the repertoire, frequency and expressive range of gestures,’ (Eunson 2012, p. 266). The gesture that jokingly originated to signify the Spanish national, Fernandez required glasses while shooting three point shots takes on different connotations in some regions however. ‘In Japan, this gesture stands for “money”. In France it means “zero” or “worthless”. In Venezuela and Turkey, gesturing to someone in this way implies that they are a homosexual,’ (Turner 2009). In Brazil however, it is the equivalent of “flipping the bird” or the middle finger gesture of western culture.

Ahead of exhibition games set to be played in Brazil prior to the 2014-15 season tip-off, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver issued warnings to participating teams regarding displays of the “three goggles”. ‘The last thing anybody wants is for the stands to clear immediately after a player nails a 3-pointer,’ (Freeman 2014).

The October 12th game that later took place between the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Miami Heat in Rio De Janiero, was played without any obscene gestures. The Cavs went on to beat the Heat in overtime to the delight of Cleveland’s starting center Anderson Varejao, a Brazilian native. You have to wonder though how Varejao and the small number of other Brazilian players in the league feel about the popularity of the gesture in a lengthy 82 game season.

Featured image


Costigan, L 2014, Lesson 8: Nonverbal communication: understanding yourself and others, COMM11003 Communication in Professional Contexts, CQUniversity e-courses,

Eunson, B 2012, Communicating in the 21st Century, 3rd edn, John Wiley & Son, Milton, Australia

Freeman, E 2014, ‘NBA tells Cavs and Heat not to do “3 goggles” in Brazil, where it’s offensive‘, Yahoo Sports, 8 October, viewed 14 January 2015,–3-goggles–in-brazil–where-it-s-an-offensive-gesture-015957155.html

Turner, R 2009, ‘5 common American gestures that might insult the locals’, Matador Network, 30 April, viewed 14 January 2015,

COMM11007; Week Eight: Inquiry

In this week’s class, we were split into groups to view and discuss social media networking sites. As assigned, I reviewed the increasingly popular site Houzz, viewable here: (

As a first time user of Houzz, I found it to be a very useful tool for those interested in new housing or renovation. Although I by no means fit their targeted demographic, I certainly would recommend it to those that are looking to engage in such projects.

Houzz is similar to other platforms in that it allows users to collate ideas and establish a foundation of the users interests. The site also allows its users to their collective works on other social media/networking sites.

The main draw card to the sites popularity comes from the site allowing users to connect with designers and photographers that have shown their work publicly. Houzz’s impeccable presentation and ease of use for people lacking technology savvy only adds to this.

From the research done in class, my partner and I developed the following powerpoint presentation viewable here:

Week 8 – Writing for social media

COMM11007; Week Eight: Quiz

Although I may consider myself to be a strong writer, punctuation has never been a strong suit of mine. In doing this quiz I achieved a near perfect score on the first attempt, but as ever must question some of the questions themselves. “An ellipsis is used to indicate something has been shortened within a sentence.” Would it not stand to reason that removing elements of a quote would in turn shorten it? This particular question bothered me as I feel they are one and the same, although the apparent correct answer was false.