It’s Getting Stupid Hot

Source: Science NET

The issue of climate change is not limited to Australia, rather a cause for global concern. So it seems only natural that such an issue would be at the forefront of political agendas…

Well, it isn’t.

A comprehensive assessment before the most recent G20 summit held in China this month was undertaken, resulting in Australia not only receiving a rating of ‘very poor,’ but more significantly, being ranked the worst country amongst the G20 collective (Slezak 2016).

In the past twelve months, our earth has had its hottest year in recorded history, with Australians having suffered through their warmest autumn on record (Readfearn 2016).

‘The aversion to talking about climate change during the election campaign reflects a wider problem: our concern for this issue has fallen even while it has become larger and more urgent’ (Steketee 2016).

So we’ve established there is a very real problem, and Australia is sorely lacking in its approach to this issue. I mean, that has to be the general consensus right?


Enter Malcolm Roberts; the man who recently secured the 12th and final Queensland Senate seat on the back of only 77 first preference votes (Graham 2016). The outspoken Senator made his inaugural speech in parliament only days ago, one in which he not only compared himself to classical Greek philosopher, Socrates; but also flat-out denied any evidence of the human influence on climate change.

At the press conference immediately following his speech, Roberts had stated, ‘there is not one piece of empirical evidence anywhere, anywhere, showing that humans cause, through CO₂ production, climate change’ (Greenshack Dotinfo 2016).

The Senator then went on to promote ‘conspiracy theories that the CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology are corrupt accomplices in climate conspiracy driven by the United Nations’ (Cook 2016).

Don’t believe me? You can watch it here.

Source: Greenshack Dotinfo

It seems to me that before tackling climate change, there needs to be an attitude change.


Cook, J 2016, ‘One Nation’s Malcolm Roberts is in denial about the facts of climate change’, The Conversation, 5 August, viewed 23 September,

Graham, R 2016, ‘Why Malcolm Roberts’ demand for ’empirical evidence’ on climate change is misleading’, The Guardian, 9 August, viewed 23 September 2016,

Greenshack Dotinfo 2016, Qld PHON Sen Malcolm Roberts: “I am a scientist! Do you know what a scientist is?”, online video, 3 August, viewed 23 September 2016,

Readfearn, G 2016, ‘Tragic lack of leadership puts red hot climate change out in the cold’, The Guardian, 29 June, viewed 23 September 2016,

Science NET 2016, Brian Cox Baffled By Ignorance of Climate Change Denier Aug 15, 2016, online video, viewed 23 September 2016,

Slezak, M 2016, ‘Australia worst among G20 when it comes to action on climate change, report finds’, The Guardian, 1 September, viewed 23 September 2016,

Steketee, M 2016. ‘Climate change has dropped off the political radar (and this is a big problem)’, ABC News, 15 April, viewed 23 September 2016,


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