Week 6:

1. Turn your attention to your final assignment: Consider the requirements for Assessment Item 2. Map the project out using PAIBOC, as discussed in this week’s Study Guide Lesson. For example, what is the purpose of the speech? What is the purpose of the news release/story? Who is the audience for the speech? Who is the audience for the news release/story? What information needs to be in the speech to engage the audience? What information needs to be in the news release/story?…and so on. Record your response on your blog (in writing), but also post it to the Week 6 forum if you wish for some immediate feedback from staff and peers. Again, you will be able to draw on this for your justification for Ass 2.
2. What would be the main differences and similarities between a formal speech and an impromptu speech, in your own words? Record your response as a more formal speech on your blog (lasting one to two minutes). Focus on your delivery and timing in this recording.

Task one

What is PAIBOC?

Well as explained by Ames (2016), PAIBOC is as follows:

  • Purpose: what is the purpose of your speech/talk?
  • Audience: who is your audience?
  • Information: what information is required that is in alignment with the purpose and audience?
  • Benefits: how can you write/speak in such a way that the audience hears ‘what’s in it for them’ or gets something out of it.
  • Objections: what objections might you expect your listeners to have? This will influence what is emphasized/de-emphasised, or addressed, in your speech/talk.
  • Context: what is the context in which you are giving your speech/talk? Issues such as staff morale, economic climate, social climate, will have an influence on how you are received.


P – To introduce new policy, removing lockout laws in Queensland and place greater emphasis on the more systemic issue of drinking and violence.

A – Politicians of all parties.

I – Will be fact based, appealing to the House of Representatives credibility and logic.

B – Will be to the members and their constituents.

O – Something needs to be done about the problem at hand/where does it end?

C – Domestic violence, small and large business, misogyny.

AV script

P – To inform the masses that are not present and will be effected by the changes.

A – The state public.

I – Will be key messages of the address and proposed changes/a better solution.

B – Community issues and concerns will be addressed.

O – Will the solution work?

C – Safer communities with lower unemployment.

The information detailed above has been carefully considered in an effort to appease all individuals of the state, both in the political arena and the wider community.

Task two

This question posed in effect answers itself, however I will attempt to clarify further.

While a ‘formal speech is speech that is prepared and delivered, deliberately, to an audience for a particular purpose’, Ames (2016), ‘an impromptu speech is one that is that we are unprepared for’.


Ames, K 2016, Lesson 6: Genres of speech – corporate, course notes, COMM12033 Speech and script, CQUniversity e-courses,

One response to “COMM12033: SPEECH AND SCRIPT

  • Kate Ames

    Touche (with the accent but I can’t get the computer to do it and I’ve lost patience). Your talk here made me laugh out loud. A point for ‘getting it’. 🙂

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