COMM11007; Week Four: Inquiry

a. – “Robert Pattinson talks about his new film, The Rover, with Dave O’Neil.” The title for this piece of entertainment journalism is misleading; at no point was the film ever discussed. From reading this story it seems the comedian/journalist, Dave O’Neil, makes light of the fact that he could not get near the intended target for the piece he was writing. Instead the focus shifts to his less than enthusiastic bodyguard who wants no part in Dave’s antics. Perhaps if he had been more prepared and taken his job more seriously, this story may have been closer to the mark of the title that preceded it.

b. – “Leading agribusiness panel to analyse rural resilience at 360 Roma.”  Although I found this piece to be rather dull and of no interest to myself, it was a well written article. Standard media writing guidelines were followed, resulting in a clear and concise piece of journalism of an albeit, boring topic. The story in no way engaged me and was clearly not written for a mass media type public viewership. Overall, this was an informative example of journalism portraying all the nitty gritty details to the reader.

One response to “COMM11007; Week Four: Inquiry

  • hayleynankivell

    I agree with your views on the Robert Pattinson article. It was almost an example of what could happen to us if we don’t plan our event coverage assessment properly. It could turn into an empty story like Dave O’Neil’s.

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