COMM11007; Week Nine: Quiz

Although this was one of the more seemingly easy tasks, it made it all the more embarrassing to not receive full marks on the first attempt scoring eight out of ten. I misspelt the word minuscule. (Spell-check is now telling me that “misspelt” is not a word and i should be using “misspelled”. Even after getting a perfect score on the second time around, it appears I’m yet to master the art of simple spelling.) My other issue with this quiz came from question nine where in my haste I confused the meanings of principal and principle within the context of the sentence. I think this performance deserves a wine, although I’m unsure whether in celebration or defeat.

One response to “COMM11007; Week Nine: Quiz

  • Kate Ames

    Tony, minuscule is one of my ‘always misspelled’ words, and I have been confusing it with miniscule for years. One of my others is ulterior (which my head wants to spell as alterior as in alternative). You’re going well here on this blog – an appropriate level of detail and good tone. Make sure you go through the review checklist in Week 12 as you’ll pick up minor points (typos etc). Also make sure you categorise your posts – that way it doesn’t matter in which order you complete the tasks. Hope this helps, Kate.

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