Monthly Archives: July 2014

COMM11007; Week Two: Quiz

Blinded by my own arrogance after passing the first quiz with full marks having done no prior preparation. I foolishly thought the second would be equally as simple without going over the text. Unsurprisingly, this was not the case scoring only 50%. Although, if I had taken my time and not approached the quiz in such a cocky manner, I’m sure I would have scored higher. (That may however just be my sense of self creeping in again following an embarrassing performance.) Regardless, this was a valuable lesson learnt for the remainder of the course by an overly confident first year student.

COMM11007; Week One: Inquiry

For the students studying media writing at Central Queensland University (CQU) the task given was to compare and outline the audiences, angles and key messages of a recent news story. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) covered a story relating to to the recent doping scandal within the Essendon Bombers Australian Football League (AFL) club. For which the club’s officials released a formal statement and had issued a press conference only days prior.

ABC News story – The story provided by the ABC was a thorough and well written piece. Although the target audience was Australian sporting enthusiasts, it was more specifically for the AFL and Essendon Bombers club supporters. The article had left room for people not so familiar with the “goings on” and inner workings of the club and relevant authorities. The journalist achieved this by providing additional content and a link that detailed the meaning of a “show cause notice”. The Angle within the story is one where the Essendon Football club chairman Paul Little, is of the belief the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) has exceeded its powers in the issuing of notices to players both past and present. As a result of this, the club will be legally challenging these notices. The key message in this reporting is that the Essendon Football club feels ASADA’s handling of the situation is extreme, and unfairly damaging the reputation of the allegedly involved player’s reputations.

Club statement – The club’s statement notes it is not yet prepared to publicly address the issues at hand. It is for this reason the audience of such comments is the media in this example. To a lesser extent those more heavily involved and passionate about club proceedings were also members of a slimmer target audience. As this is only a short and direct statement, the angle is clear. A representative of the club will be making a formal announcement to members of the press the following day. In this case it is Essendon chairman Paul Little. The key message within the statement is that the club is prepared to address the allegations, but not at this stage. “The Club will continue to act in the best of interest of its players and respect the integrity and confidentiality of this process,” also signifies the feelings held towards the claims and that of its players.

Press conference – Similarly the club’s statement was made for the sporting community at large, but more directly to the media of Australia and potentially even abroad. The approach both the club and Paul Little have taken towards the issues at hand noted in this press conference seem to reflect that ASADA has “acted unlawfully”. As a result the club will be seeking further action through application to the Federal Court of Australia. Noting that ASADA has not followed protocol in its joint investigation with the AFL tribunal. Once again the club has taken the side of players past and present. Seeking to do everything within their power to assist the players in seeking further advice to remove this alleged scandolous label.

To view the club’s press conference see attached URL:

COMM11007; Week One: Introduction

My name is Anthony Jacob Norris.

I was born into this existence, August 19th 1985. More recently however; budding novelist, active blogger and now media student.

Coming from a construction and engineering background, the prospect of further study after nearly a decade is a daunting one. Until this point any writing I have done has been structural reports, client liaison and the less than flattering personal aspects of my life.

From further tertiary study I hope to expand my repertoire of the written language and apply that skill set to potential freelance journalistic pursuits.